Tuesday, June 25, 2013

But God

Let me see... I would like to say something that will change people's lives. 

All I can say, is what I have lived through and my experiences, and what God has done for me.

How God has brought me through the flood, the fire, the storm.

How God brought me through a very difficult childhood, having been raised by a teenage

mother who committed suicide when I was 24. I was sitting in a hotel with a brand new baby. 

If it had not been for God, I would have lost my mind. He brought me through a marriage with 

a very sick and immature husband, who died in a diabetic coma at the age of 34. 

I remarried a man who I later found out was a crack addict.  God answered my prayers and 

delivered him from crack addiction. 

I had a pregnancy of twins.  They were born premature.  One lived with many problems. They 

told me he wouldn't walk, talk, see or hear-no quality of life-forget about him.  He walks, talks, 

sees, hears, laughs, dances, skips, jumps.  He loves geography. 

All of the statistics pointed toward no hope for me... But God....