Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vision, Boldness, Strategy

Vision, Boldness, Strategy
The story of Gideon illustrates the devourer. The devourer had come to devour all Israel had. Gideon hid in a wine press to thresh out his grain. Judges 6:11 He did not want the Midianites to know what little grain he had. If they knew, they would come and steal what little grain he had.
This is similar to the spirit of envy. Envy does not want you to have ANYTHING!  Satan will use people with a spirit of envy to devour your goods. We have to hide our blessings around people who have a spirit of envy. Favor and anointing seems to draw the spirit of envy. We need to be wise as serpents, gentle as doves.
However, as Gideon was hiding his substance (the enemy will even try to steal our substance!) an angel of the Lord appeared, and reassured him, which gave him BOLDNESS.  The angel called him MIGHTY WARRIOR. God was reminding him of who he really was, and gave him a strategy to deliver himself and all of Israel.  He confirmed what the angel told him by presenting an OFFERING. Next, he tore down his father’s altar and sacrificed his father’s good ox-BOLDNESS!  He got rid of that stinking stronghold that was keeping Israel in bondage. The thing that was giving the enemy a legal entry to steal!
First the angel came and gave him VISION and IDENTITY, reminding him of how God sees him! Gideon received courage. Then, Gideon confirmed the visitation by presenting an offering. Next, Gideon received a STRATEGY to deliver Israel.
Gideon went from fear to faithful, after his true identity was revealed by God!

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